Wednesday, January 20, 2010



You are half the world away,

And my today is your tomorrow.

I have never seen your face,

Nor heard words from your lips.

I do not know your sounds of laughter,

Or the softness of your sigh. I have not

a clue as to who you are,

Or the customs for which you live.

I do know that you are kind and sweet,

You are a thoughtful and caring soul.

You think of others before yourself, ALL others,

young and old. These things I know about you,

Even though we have never met.

I have learned this by coming home

Each day and finding you here.

You are not here in body and soul,

But as a lighted rectangle.

You come to me every day as

A message on my screen,

A message that I can rely on To cheer me

up and make my day.

Through a keyboard we share Our ups and downs.

I have opened my inner self to you,

And you have to me as well.

We have traded secrets and laughs,

As well as sorrows and pain.

I have never met you, but feel as if

I have known you most of my life.

To most this might sound silly,

But I assure them, it is not.

Even though we have never met,

I feel a bond between us.

A bond that should have taken years to build,

Yet was built in a month or two.

A bond that lifelong friends should have,

Although most never do.

A bond that I am glad to share with you...

My Friend And Confidant

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